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How the Humphree Lightning Auto Trim and Stabilisation System Makes Boating Safer

How Humphree Lightning makes boating safer

Boat owners all know the magic of being out on the water. Whether fishing or cruising with family or friends, it takes some beating.

With the joy, the importance of safety goes hand in hand. No one wants to see people in the water or the boat stranded. The critical significance of this is magnified when offshore. Therefore, safety and peace of mind are among the most significant advantages of the Lightning Automatic Trim and Stabilisation System.

Like a car's stability control system, which has been part of the Australian Standard for over a decade, Humphree Lightning makes your boat more stable. A more stable boat is a safer boat.



Humphree Lightning Reviews 

One of our recent customers, the owner of a Haines Hunter V 19 R, recently messaged us.

"The stability going into head-on chop is amazing; it's like the boat is glued to the water."

Interceptor trim tab on Haines Hunter V 19 R

Humphree Lightning on Haines Hunter v 19 R

Then, a few weeks later, another message via the owner's friend who had used his boat:

"The Lightning trim system is a game changer. You would never buy trim tabs again after using it".

Knowing that the effect is so evident, it's a compelling endorsement.


How does Humphree Lightning make your boat safer?

Humphree Lightning's auto trim and stability control uses a gyro sensor to constantly measure the boat's fore-and-aft and side-to-side angle. The interceptor blades on each side of the transom respond instantly to apply lifting force to either or both sides of the stern. This keeps the boat more level and the hull performing optimally within the constantly changing environments caused by swell and wind and the boat's acceleration, speed, and weight distribution.

Reducing the effects of swell and chop

The hydrodynamic effects of chop and swell vary enormously depending on its relative direction. 

Side-on swell or chop

A side-on swell or chop is one of the most dangerous seas to traverse when boating. At worst, the boat can capsize, putting people in the water.

The system's inherent stability minimises the effects of these sea conditions. The fast-reacting interceptor blades keep the boat level and safer.

Heading into swell or chop

When heading into a steep chop, the bow often rises off the crest, causing the boat to crash or slap back down on the water's surface. Suppose the boat is unsettled during this, or the water's landing surface is uneven. In that case, it can be, at best, unpleasant or, worse, dangerous.

Automatic trim and stabilisation make boating safer in these conditions by maintaining even bow-to-stern trim and side-to-side list. The hull's V-angle can do its job more efficiently when the boat is level, cutting through the uneven water surface. If the boat becomes airborne, the landing will be much flatter, and the boat will remain more stable.

Trailing swell or chop

When driving with a slightly off-centre trailing swell or chop, the boat experiences an exaggerated roll and constantly needs countersteering. Passengers find this particularly unsettling, and the roll's unpredictability makes the risk of falling overboard greater.

The Lightning system keeps the boat more stable by instantly responding to changes in the boat's attitude caused by the uneven surface.

Summary of Humphree Lightning's safety advantages
  1. Improved safety in rough seas
  2. Enhanced control in all conditions
  3. Additional stability relative to speed
  4. Reduces side-to-side list in real-time
  5. Reduces bow rise in real-time
  6. Improved visibility when accelerating


Contact us today to learn more about fitting Humphree Lightning to your boat or our reseller program.


Humphree Lightning trim and stabilisation product brochure